Westborough Recreation
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Cornhole League Register View Cart

Cornhole is a great activity that brings people together in the spirit of friendly competition.  Join Westborough Recreation for this fun, social and competitive league that will play on Thursday nights at Cold Harbor Brewery

Spring Session
  • Thursday nights
  • Game times are at 6:15 pm and 7:00 pm
  • League play will be 5/1 - 6/5
  • 4 weeks of regular season play
  • Playoffs are 5/29, 6/5 - all teams make playoffs, single elimination bracket.
  • Cold Harbor Brewery
  • $50 per team
  • Residents Only
  • See Rules below

Westborough Recreation Adult Cornhole Rules
  • Objective
  • • Be the first team to reach (or exceed) a score of 21 points at the end of an inning of play.
  • Cornhole Rules
  • • Cornhole is played with two teams. Each team may consist of 2 players. We encourage to sign up with 3 players on your team but only 2 play per game. (Please have an alternative if you are a team of 2 to avoid cancellations)
  • • If you choose to have a team of 3, only 2 players can play per game. You may alternate between games or weeks; however you choose.
  • • Players pitch their bags in an underhand motion from the pitcher's box next to each side of the board.
  • • Players alternate turns tossing their cornhole bags toward the opposite board.
  • • After each team has pitched four bags, players take score, and resume pitching to the opposite board.
  • • The team who scored points in the previous inning goes first in the next inning. If it was tied, the team who went first in the last inning gets to go first again.
  • Cornhole Scoring
  • • A cornhole bag that goes through the hole is worth 3 points.
  • • A cornhole bag that lands on the board and stays there is worth 1 point.
  • • A cornhole bag that lands on the ground or bounces onto the board is worth 0 points.
  • • Cancellation Scoring: Only one team can score points per inning. The team with the higher score cancels out the points of the opposing team in that inning.
  • • Points Calculation: The team with the higher score in an inning earns the difference in points. For instance, if Team A scores 5 points and Team B scores 2 points in an inning, Team A earns 3 points for that inning.
  • *Scores must be emailed to Westborough Recreation following the games.
  • Winning the Game
  • • A The first player or team to reach or exceed 21 points at the conclusion of an inning is the winner.

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Spring Session 
21y - 99y N/A Th  05/01/2025 - 06/05/2025
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Cold Harbor Brewery, 66 Otis Street
$50.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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